
Sins, or weaknesses?

Now, I'm in no way excusing bad behaviour of any kind, nor do I intend to offend any faith or anyone who has one in any form or manner. I'm sincerely speaking from the point of view of an Atheist (by practice), who has experienced different, if not many, people throughout her 21 years of living and want to understand them including myself as a human being. This is just one opinion I have based on what I've learnt. On that note, let me begin. As someone who was raised by a religious Buddhist household (except for my dear parents, thank goodness), I have been subjected to hear the word "Karma" more than my own name, and seeing people describe it in so many versions that I had begun to question the Buddhism textbook given to us by the school. In school, I grew up hearing how talking, walking or even breathing the wrong way could land me in Hell (highly exaggerated, but you get the gist). The thing about me is, you see, I am a control freak; I despise the idea that th


Imagine this: ~You’re in a crowded bus/train. There’s a girl quite near you who seems to be disturbed, uncomfortable. And you see the reason. A man is touching her inappropriately in her private parts. But she doesn’t say a word as she is frozen; scared. What would you do? ~ Sexual harassment, who hasn’t heard of it? It’s all over the news. A rapist here, a rapist there, and women can’t go on the road without at least a stone in their hands for protection. But who’s to blame? A Sri Lankan woman was arrested and the public had commented on her badly…for slapping a man in response to sexual harassment!   This was commonly known as the 2014-Wariyapola incident. And not to forget, the brutal gang rape and murder of Vidhya Sivaloganathan in Jaffna on her journey home from school in 2015.   And do I need to remind you of Seya? Okay, sexual harassment in private spaces, like houses, is quite helpless (but not THAT helpless too!). But sexual harassment on public transport or any

Pull yourself together.... before it's too late!

All right. Raise your hands if you like to be carefree and enjoy life’s essence. I can’t see but I do hope many of you are raising your hands like, “HELL YEAH!” But what concerns and disappoints me is that there are people who leash themselves and stop themselves from living life. Restricting them by being goody two-shoes overload, and by overload, I mean stupidly overload, crazy overload. Let me give a small image on what I mean. Imagine a life where you see many obstacles which you can pass by being you and doing it your way, but you don’t even try to overcome them and just sit there saying, “I have to endure it, it’s my karma. ” or "Can't ask for too much." WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?! Your ‘Karma’?? Pardon moi, but if Prince Siddartha had kept saying that, we wouldn’t have Buddhism today. Too much? What sort of talk is that? Is it too much to try and overcome difficulties?! Then I guess ‘self-motivation’ and ‘self-strength’ are just there to sip coke, eat some

BTS Burns The Stage!

Do you know K-pop? Has it annoyed you in anyway? Well, sorry to say, I’m one of those crazy fangirls of K-pop. Actually, my interest goes out to one particular group; BTS. Why? Well, the reasons are interesting. Now, K-pop, in general, is music made in South Korea. And there are a whole lot of groups and soloists. These groups and soloists belong to certain agencies in the K-pop industry, with the famous ones being JYP, SM, YG, aka the big 3. Why do people like K-pop? 1 .  Rebellion against the status quo: Now, we, youngsters, are the type which likes to explore and gladly do, things that the previous generations haven’t and things outside the mainstream. Listening to K-pop is one of them. So, it gives a feeling of uniqueness to the young person and makes it even more special to enjoy. 2.   Group feeling: When someone says singers, usually, what’s the picture? Soloists. Yes, there are groups but what’s the majority? Exactly. But the young generation of today has a sense that pe

Society....hear me out!

I wanted to talk about a real topic right now. When you hear gender equality, what comes first to mind? Equal rights for both genders and that sort. Okay, let’s say we got that. Are you sure? Society still mocks all types; females, homosexuals included. Still the gender barrier is there, still people wrong homos, and racism? Going rampant on the streets, it is. Let me take you through the details. 1.       1.   Gender barrier Yup, it’s still there. Women are still considered weak, passive, and worse, a burden. A burden every family wants to remove through marriage to somebody. Don’t deny it. I’m sure you can see it wherever you go, not only India. Still, norms exist. Those stupid norms made by NARROW-MINDED people, I’d like to call it, still prevail. Those misconceptions nobody wants to let go of for their own greed. I ask you, what is so big a problem to not let your girl learn? And I’m talking about boyfriends who don’t let their girlfriends study, husbands preventing their

HAPPY 2019!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Another year passed. Another year came. This year, please don’t waste your time on resolutions you know you’ll never fulfill. Instead, be happy that you survived another year and work hard in order to make this year of 2019, a year to remember. If you get sick, don’t think of what you can’t do. Instead think of what you can do. Don’t blame yourself if you make a mistake. Accept it and forgive yourself because the setting sun always rises the next day.  Don’t regret the past, focus on your present and expect a bright future. And remember, the brighter the light is, the darker the shadow . Don’t let it bother you and be who you are and what you love. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, see what you already have and be satisfied, because regret never got anyone anywhere. Stay healthy, be happy, try your best, and always, LOVE YOURSELF… LET’S GO, 2019!!

My annual trip to Jaffna......with hotel and other recommendations!

Hello. I’m just going to write a small record of my annual family trip which began on 23 rd . Day 1:- It was only my parents, mother’s mother, father’s parents, aunt and Kaushalya mama. We started off at about 6:00 am. We ate breakfast halfway. The road we came along was natural beauty at its peak. Yeah, nature is quite unpredictable and its beauty can increase the next minute, but it was just as amazing. The wind, the sounds of the animals, the view, seeing and listening to that was a great feeling. As we reached Jaffna through the sea, we got a glimpse of the ever blue and amazing sea. There were solar panels along the road, used for street lights. Why don't we see this throughout the country? This country doesn't lack sunlight. I would like to see such methods of energy management used all around. Not to brag, but I took a really good picture. Eventually, we reached our destination, Old Park Villa,the hotel we stayed in last time. It's a really nice hotel (Holy