Sins, or weaknesses?

Now, I'm in no way excusing bad behaviour of any kind, nor do I intend to offend any faith or anyone who has one in any form or manner. I'm sincerely speaking from the point of view of an Atheist (by practice), who has experienced different, if not many, people throughout her 21 years of living and want to understand them including myself as a human being. This is just one opinion I have based on what I've learnt. On that note, let me begin. As someone who was raised by a religious Buddhist household (except for my dear parents, thank goodness), I have been subjected to hear the word "Karma" more than my own name, and seeing people describe it in so many versions that I had begun to question the Buddhism textbook given to us by the school. In school, I grew up hearing how talking, walking or even breathing the wrong way could land me in Hell (highly exaggerated, but you get the gist). The thing about me is, you see, I am a control freak; I despise the idea that th...