
There were a beautiful maiden called Shakunthala, and a king called Dushyantha. He put a ring in her finger and on that was his name. A Sage called Durwasa cursed Shakunthala. When Shakunthala was crossing a river, her wedding ring fell into the river. A fish swallowed the ring.

The king did not recognise her. Sadly she left the palace and went back to the forest. She had a son called Bharata.

At the king's palace, a fisherman brought a fish. He saw a ring inside the fish. He brought it straight to Dushyantha the king. When the king saw the ring with his name on it, the curse was broken and the king remembered Shakunthala.

Again the king went hunting in the forest. He saw a boy playing with a lion cub. The king went up to the boy and asked him about his parents. The boy said he was the son of king Dushyantha and Shakunthala. The king was proud to find Shakunthala and asked the boy to take him to his mother. The king took Shakunthala and Bharata with him.

Bharata grew up to become a great king.

Erandathie - 21/11/2009


  1. Wow . . It is amazing . . .

    I mean it was long back I read this book and to be honest I totally forgot the story.

    Sweet girl, it is really nice you write this in you blog because it remembers me back the story since the way you write the blog I know I will not forget it again.

    Thank you for witting this story in your blog . . .


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