Imagine this: ~You’re in a crowded bus/train. There’s a girl quite near you who seems to be disturbed, uncomfortable. And you see the reason. A man is touching her inappropriately in her private parts. But she doesn’t say a word as she is frozen; scared. What would you do? ~ Sexual harassment, who hasn’t heard of it? It’s all over the news. A rapist here, a rapist there, and women can’t go on the road without at least a stone in their hands for protection. But who’s to blame? A Sri Lankan woman was arrested and the public had commented on her badly…for slapping a man in response to sexual harassment! This was commonly known as the 2014-Wariyapola incident. And not to forget, the brutal gang rape and murder of Vidhya Sivaloganathan in Jaffna on her journey home from school in 2015. And do I need to remind you of Seya? Okay, sexual harassment in private spaces, like houses, is quite helpless (but not THAT helpless too!). But sexual harassment on public transpor...