Pull yourself together.... before it's too late!

All right. Raise your hands if you like to be carefree and enjoy life’s essence. I can’t see but I do hope many of you are raising your hands like, “HELL YEAH!” But what concerns and disappoints me is that there are people who leash themselves and stop themselves from living life. Restricting them by being goody two-shoes overload, and by overload, I mean stupidly overload, crazy overload. Let me give a small image on what I mean.
Imagine a life where you see many obstacles which you can pass by being you and doing it your way, but you don’t even try to overcome them and just sit there saying, “I have to endure it, it’s my karma.” or "Can't ask for too much." WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?! Your ‘Karma’?? Pardon moi, but if Prince Siddartha had kept saying that, we wouldn’t have Buddhism today. Too much? What sort of talk is that? Is it too much to try and overcome difficulties?! Then I guess ‘self-motivation’ and ‘self-strength’ are just there to sip coke, eat some popcorn and watch the goddamn drama. THESE TWO HAVE A REAL JOB TO DO AND YOU’VE FIRED THEM ALREADY; THEY’RE JOBLESS.
You may think (and I’m speaking to the self-restrictors) that your life is a fine adventure, a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but guess what, sweet cheeks, that rollercoaster is only going down!
Here’s the thing; actions like thinking, doing something are only for us. Let me elaborate.
Imagine that you are driving a car. You are the driver/owner of that car. (Drivers, get ready to relate.) You know its weaknesses and strengths, when and where you fixed its dents and stuff, where your car can go, at what speed, everything. Now, imagine that someone else takes the wheel. That person knows nothing about your car. What would be the plight of your car after they drove it to a speed not known to the car, to an unfamiliar place or somewhere you never wanted to go in the first place? What would happen to the car if that other guy starts doing somersaults which are not a characteristic of your car? Of course, the car would be in shambles, ruined.
Now, substitute that car to your life. Makes sense?
If you don’t get a hold of your own life and let someone else take the wheel, it’s certainly not going to be a happy life. If something happens to your car (life), you can’t sit in a corner and blame it on past actions, because that is straight up BULLSHIT! Sorry, had no other word for it.

Plus, since we are on that topic, Lord Buddha did not say that Buddhism was a cover up story for your mishaps. Like, NOT EVERYTHING HAPPENS DUE TO PAST KARMA! Karma is what you do and think, so your decisions are on the list. Get your facts right first. Nobody controls us. We are not puppets of any ‘supernatural’ thing. If there’s a thing called ‘destiny’, it’s we who make it, nobody else.

I have to be honest though; if Lord Buddha were still alive, seeing the plight of our country, the same country in which He said that Buddhism would prevail, He’d literally face-palm Himself, probably asking, “What was I thinking?”
So, the point is, unless you guide yourself without letting anyone trespass, you can never live a free life. And, like I said in my comeback post, if you don’t accept your flaws and try to cover them, the end result is going to be plain bad. No one is perfect in this world. We all have whack sides. I mean, just go look at the mirror. Ask yourself, “Do I have any flaws?” and don’t go being too big-headed and say, “No, nothing’s wrong with me. I have no flaws.” Check each and everything you do and ever did, and see, not through ‘Buddhism’ or any religion, but through a natural mind, a human’s perspective, “Have I always been right? Have my decisions turned out successful? Am I truly happy?”
Drop all work aside for a bit and pay attention to yourself for a while, bond with yourself for a while. Want to talk to yourself? Go ahead, no one is stopping you. Be your own psychologist. (Looks like I’ll be putting the psychologists out of business. LOL)
You need to be the master of your own self. Instead of uselessly listening to sermons (don’t deny it, it’s too true to be false), listen to your heartbeat for a bit. Sermons can belong to anybody, but that heartbeat is yours and only yours. That mind is yours. And, please don’t drag Buddhism into this and start saying nothing is mine, we leave all this when we die, etc., etc. We live a lay life. We can’t attain ‘Nirvana’ like that. We all have attachments in this world. We are full of ‘Tanha’, craving. Accept it. You can’t keep acting in front of people. No mask stays long. The faster you accept it, the quicker that burden is released.
Don’t let someone else take the wheel. You need to take control of your own life, because it’s you who knows it the most, it’s you who knows your quirks and mistakes. You just need to grab that wheel, hit the gas and journey to your destination through your own path.
You don’t need to be controlled by anyone else. You have the right to be you (unless you’re a criminal, which you might need to work on, if so). If you hustle harder, add a dash of determination and a sprinkle of love towards yourself with a cherry on top, your life will be the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted.
Want an escape plan from the hell you’re living in? Ask yourself. Don’t be afraid of who you are, what you are in the society, because in the end, you’ll be the only one you can rely on. Your flaws, your past can't always be blamed. Those small mistakes need only be forgiven.
True love and happiness begins with you and ends with you.
Again, on the count of three; 1….2….3…
Face yourself,
Forgive yourself,
Love yourself!


  1. Why only address to a Man !? On the count of 1..2..3... I really should think that time is always 'to do and serve with responsbility' and when carried out with confidence that character need not spend time in forgiving! However to build confidence you need to spend time always in building oneself ! May be this is not the direction that you were emphasizing ...


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